RMS College of B.Sc. Nursing
Program Overview
The B.Sc. nursing degree program is a four-year full-time program comprising eight semesters, which prepares B.Sc. nursing graduates qualified to practice nursing and midwifery in a variety of settings in either public/government or private healthcare settings. It adopts a credit system and semester system as per the Authority guidelines with minor modifications suitable to professional education in a hybrid form. The program encompasses foundational, core, and elective courses. The choice-based system is applicable to electives only and is offered in the form of modules. Modular learning is also integrated into the foundational as well as core courses that are mandatory.
The program prepares nurses and midwives for generalist nursing including midwifery practice. Knowledge acquisition related to wellness, health promotion, illness, disease management, and care of the dying is core to nursing practice. Mastery of competencies is the main focus. Students are provided with opportunities to learn a whole range of skills in addition to acquiring knowledge related to nursing practice (nursing and midwifery). This is achieved through learning in skill lab/simulated lab and clinical environment. Simulation will be integrated throughout the curriculum wherever feasible to enable them to develop competencies before entry into the real field of practice.
B.Sc. Nursing: B.Sc. Nursing or Bachelor of science in nursing is a four-year undergraduate course in the field of medical science
Course Duration: 4 years (8 Semester)
Produce knowledgeable competent nurses and midwives with clear critical thinking skills who are caring, motivated, assertive and well-disciplined responding to the changing needs of profession, healthcare delivery system and society.

Utilize critical thinking to synthesize knowledge derived from physical, biological, behavioral sciences, and humanities, in the practice of professional nursing and midwifery. Practice professional nursing and midwifery competently and safely in diverse settings, utilizing caring, critical thinking, and therapeutic nursing interventions with individuals, families, populations, and communities at any developmental stage and with varied lived health experiences. Provide promotive, preventive, and restorative health services in line with national health policies and programs. Integrate professional caring into practice decisions that encompass values, and ethical, moral, and legal aspects of nursing. Respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of self and others. Apply concepts of leadership, autonomy, and management to the practice of nursing and midwifery to enhance quality and safety in health care.
- Staff Nurse
- Director of Nursing
- Department Supervisor
- Nursing Supervisor or Ward Sister
- Nursing Superintendent
- Community Health Nurse (CHN)
- Home Care Nurses
- Military Nurse
- Deputy Nursing Superintendent
- Teacher of Nursing
- Assistant Nursing Superintendent
- Industrial Nurse
- Infection control Nurse
Eligibility Criteria
The Minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on 31st of the year in which admission done
Minimum Education: 10+2 Passed with PCB+English with minimum 45% marks from recognized board

Utilize the latest knowledge and skills related to information and technology to enhance patient outcomes. Communicate effectively with patients, peers, and all healthcare providers. Utilize the requisite knowledge, skills and technologies to practice independently and collaboratively with all health. professionals applying the principles of safety and quality improvement. Integrate research findings and nursing theory in decision making in evidence-based practice. Accept responsibility and accountability for the effectiveness of one‘s own nursing and midwifery practice and professional growth as a learner, clinician and leader.
Participate in the advancement of the profession to improve health care for the betterment of the global society.
GNM : General nursing & Midwifery is a three year course in the field of medical science
Course Duration: 3 Years
- Home Care Nurse
- Clinical Nurse Manager
- Staff Nurse
- Nursing Tutor
- Travel Nurse
- Assistant Nurse
- Nurse In charge
- OT Nurse
Eligibility Criteria
The Minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on 31st of the year in which admission done
Minimum Education: 10+2 Passed any stream with minimum 45% marks from recognized board
Lab Facilities Available
- Fundamental of Nursing
- Advance Nursing Skill
- Community Health Nursing
- Preclinical sciences
- Nutrition
- AV Aid Room
- Obstetric and Gynecology / Pediatric Nursing